Week of February 13th – 16th in Grade 5

2023-02-12T13:14:59-04:00February 12th, 2023|

Dear GCS Grade 5 Families, One more week until our break! It was great to see some of you at parent-teacher conferences this past Thursday.  If anyone could not attend and would like to book in to meet, please email me. Mrs. Vessey will be taking over next week’s blog post. It was truly [...]

Week of February 6th – 9th

2023-02-05T14:54:41-04:00February 5th, 2023|

Dear GCS Grade 5 Families, Welcome to Quarter Three! Thank you for your partnership over the first half of the year.  Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for February 9th in the evening.  Mrs. Vessey and I,  look forward to seeing some of you there! Important Dates: Parent-Teacher Interviews – Evening of Thursday, February 9th (Elementary) [...]

Week of January 30th in Grade 5

2023-01-27T19:56:47-04:00January 27th, 2023|

Dear GCS Grade 5 Families, We have one more week left in quarter two! Thank you for your patience and flexibility with the two days of school closures this week. We finally completed our novel “Number the Stars” by Lois Lowry! Next week, students will be asked to turn-in their study guides they completed [...]

Week of January 23rd in Grade 5

2023-01-20T18:24:40-04:00January 20th, 2023|

Dear GCS Grade 5 Families, We were able to have a full five days of school. We have two more weeks left in quarter two! We are almost finished with our first novel study, Number The Stars by Lois Lowry. Each student has put a lot of work into reading and completing the novel [...]

Week of Jan 16th Grade 5

2023-01-15T22:02:21-04:00January 15th, 2023|

Dear GCS Grade 5 Families, I hope you were all able to be safe in the recent weather! We have just three weeks left in quarter two.  Thank you so much for your partnership this past quarter. Below are some quick notes for this week. Important Dates: End of Quarter 2 – Thursday, February [...]

Week of January 9th – 13th Happy New Year!

2023-01-06T15:56:54-04:00January 6th, 2023|

Dear GCS Grade 5 Families, Happy New Year! Welcome back to school. I hope you all had a wonderful time with your families over the Christmas break and were able to reflect on the amazing gift the birth of our Saviour was to all of us. Art Materials for Monday’s Art Class Mrs. Arthurs [...]

Week of December 12th in Grade 5

2022-12-09T15:39:49-04:00December 9th, 2022|

Dear GCS Grade 5 Families, We’re in our final week before Christmas break! Thank you so much for your partnership with GCS for our Christmas production!  It was a wonderful experience for everyone! On December 16th we will be having our ½ day Christmas Party! Please feel free to send in treats for the [...]

Week of December 5th Grade 5

2022-12-02T18:58:15-04:00December 2nd, 2022|

Dear GCS Grade 5 Families, Only two weeks left before Christmas break!  As well, the Elementary Christmas Program happens this Thursday. There will be one show at 1:30 PM and another at 6:30 PM. ​​Christmas Outreach Project As we prepare to celebrate the Christmas season, GCS is so thankful to have another opportunity to [...]

Week of November 28th Grade 5

2022-11-25T15:41:18-04:00November 25th, 2022|

Dear GCS Grade 5 Families, Students had their first 5-day week this month!  The week was full of classes and Christmas Program practices.  I am looking forward to seeing them perform on December 8th! ​​Christmas Outreach Project: As we prepare to celebrate the Christmas season, GCS is so thankful to have another opportunity to [...]

Week of November 21st in Grade 5

2022-11-19T12:11:22-04:00November 19th, 2022|

Dear GCS Grade 5 Families, We’re officially in quarter two!  Thank you to all parents for their partnership this past quarter in their child’s education. GCS Annual Christmas Outreach Project As we prepare to celebrate the Christmas season, GCS is so thankful to have another opportunity to bless others in our community.  This year, [...]

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