Week of June 6th – Grade 5

2022-06-05T15:21:03-03:00June 5th, 2022|

Grade 5 parents, We are down to 2 more weeks of grade 5. Students will take the rest of this week to finish our final language project. Last week, students were given a list of mini assignments to choose from. Each assignment was worth an amount of points with a total of 800 to [...]

Week of May 30th – Grade 5

2022-05-29T17:47:07-03:00May 29th, 2022|

Grade 5 parents, We have had another successful week of learning in our grade 5 classroom. Even though our year is coming to a close, we are still learning lots of new math concepts. In math this week, we will learn how to convert measurements to find the perimeter. In language class, students will [...]

Week of May 24th – Grade 5

2022-05-23T16:46:18-03:00May 23rd, 2022|

Grade 5 parents, This past week, we wrapped up our persuasive article presentations as well as our novel study of Where the Red Fern Grows. In math, we finished our unit of dividing fractions and whole numbers. This week we will complete our final soundtrack project for Where the Red Fern Grows in language [...]

Week of May 16th – Grade 5

2022-05-15T12:57:53-03:00May 15th, 2022|

Grade 5 parents, This past week students finished up their persuasive articles in language and learned how to divide whole numbers by fractions. This week, students will present their persuasive articles and will learn how to divide two fractions. Dress Code Reminder With the change in seasons, and as your children continue to grow [...]

Week of May 9th – Grade 5

2022-05-06T11:21:14-03:00May 6th, 2022|

Grade 5 parents, This past week students began typing up their rough draft of their persuasive article in language class. In math, they reviewed scale drawings and temperature. For this upcoming week, students will work on their final draft of their persuasive article and slideshow presentation to accompany it. In math, they will learn [...]

Week of May 2nd – Grade 5

2022-05-01T20:16:44-03:00May 1st, 2022|

Good evening, This week we will continue our new language unit on persuasive writing. In math class we will continue our review of graphs. Assessments Tuesday - French Quiz Wednesday - Math Test Thursday - Spelling Quiz (Where the Red Fern Grows - Ch. 10-13) Homework Daily - Spelling practice, Bible verse memorization, and [...]

Week of April 25th – Grade 5

2022-04-24T16:16:22-03:00April 24th, 2022|

Grade 5 parents, This week we will finish up our creative fiction language unit by presenting our stories to the class. In math, we will study pictographs and bar graphs. Homework Daily: Spelling Practice (Where the Red Fern Grows - Chapters 10-13), Bible verse, reading, math work. Assessments Wednesday - Math Quiz Wednesday - [...]

Week of April 19th – Grade 5

2022-04-18T16:30:37-03:00April 18th, 2022|

Grade 5 parents, I hope everyone has had a wonderful, restful Easter weekend remembering the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for us. This week, we will continue to work on our creative fiction stories in language. In math, we will practice story problem methods and review division and fractions. Assessments Wednesday - Math [...]

Week of April 11th – Grade 5

2022-04-10T17:57:24-03:00April 10th, 2022|

Grade 5  parents, This week, we will continue writing our fictional stories. In math, we will learn about estimating and rounding off whole numbers. Assessments There will be no assessments in math or language this week. Students must come ready to write the rough copy of their fictional story tomorrow. Parent-teacher Conferences Due to unforeseen [...]

Week of April 4th – Grade 5

2022-04-04T08:54:37-03:00April 3rd, 2022|

Grade 5 parents, In math this past week, students began changing decimals to fractions and ended the week by reviewing all decimals concepts learned. In language, we finished our review of sentence diagramming and began a new novel study of Where the Red Fern Grows. This Week in Grade 5 We will begin multiplying [...]

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