Hello all! What a wintry past few days. I hope everyone was able to enjoy a cozy long weekend at home. It surely is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. With a crazy week of delays and cancellations, I’d just like to remind everybody to stay tuned in to our GCS Instagram and Facebook page for delays and storm day posts. Take not below of all Christmas concert and Christmas break information.
Bricks Of Honour:
The Bricks of Honour initiative calls on all stakeholders of Grace Christian School to recognize their personal capacity to give and to act upon it.
To purchase a brick in honour of staff, students or alumni, please forward your payment in one of the following ways:
1) Return the pledge form and payment to your child’s homeroom teacher,
2) E-Transfer your payment to cthorne@gcspei.ca allocating your gift towards the campaign, or 3) Visit tithe.ly and set up your online monthly giving plan.
For more information, contact the Advancement Office at admin@gcspei.ca.
Christmas Concert
This year our class will be taking part in a combined concert with Kindergarten and Grade One. We have been working hard to learn our joyful Christmas songs that share the true meaning of Christmas. Join us on December 6th from 2:30-3:00 as we walk you through the story of Jesus’s Birth.
Quizzes this Week
Monday: Phonics Quiz
Tuesday: Penmanship Quiz
Friday: Spelling Quiz (Still list #8)
Important Dates:
- Thursday, Dec. 6 – K-2 Classic Christmas Concert 2:30-3:00 pm
- Thursday, Dec. 13 – Grade 3-6 Christmas Musical (1:30-3:00 pm & 6:30-7:30 pm)
- Friday, Dec. 21 – Christmas Parties (half-day)
- Monday, Jan. 7 – First Instructional Day 2019
Ms. Jenkins