Greetings! Take note below of important information regarding our grade two class.
Report Cards:
The second quarter report cards are being sent home with your child(ren) this Thursday, February 6. You are asked to please sign the parent communication sheet and return it inside the white envelope with your child’s name on it. To help us reduce the need of multiple envelopes throughout the year, please do not seal the envelope.
1. Go to
2. Click “view” beside the teacher’s name you want to sign up for first (orange box)
3. Choose an available timeslot for that teacher by clicking the green “sign up” button
4. Log in via Facebook OR enter your email address (you need to click “confirm” on the next page)
5. Fill in your name and your child’s name; your phone number is NOT required
6. Click “save and done”
7. Click “save” at the top of the screen (blue and white box)
8. You will see a confirmation screen and will also receive a reminder email about that conference time/teacher; it is advised that you also record your interview teacher/time separately, especially if you are meeting with multiple teachers. If you have more teachers to sign up for, click the blue/white “Go back to all signups” button and repeat steps 2-7.
Skating & Skiing For Elementary:
Although an official permission slip outlining all the details of the skating and skiing events for elementary will be sent home with your child in the future, I wanted to take a moment to give you the heads up that we will once again be participating in skating days throughout the months of February and March.
Students that wish to participate in skating must have their own skates and helmet. Students are not obligated to participate, however should they wish to, please make arrangements for them to acquire the proper skating equipment. Elementary students in grades 1 – 6 will skate two times throughout the winter months.
Important Events
As a way to show my support of each of my student’s extracurricular activities, I would like to hear about upcoming performances or games. If it is something I am able to attend, I’d love a heads up by email at
This Week in Grade Two
Spelling – List 15 (We will have this list for two weeks because of parent teacher interviews this Friday.)
Language – We will continue writing our non-fiction narratives.
Math – We will review carrying to the tens and hundreds place and time in 5 minute increments. We will also be learning liquid measurement.
Social Studies – We will continue reviewing elements of the different regions we have traveled to so far.
Mrs. MacDougall