As students enter the next level of their educational experience, GCS provides a warm, inviting environment that allows each student to develop their God-given giftedness in an array of courses and extracurricular opportunities.

Our junior high school program cultivates competencies which prepare students for a higher-level learning experience and ensures a smooth transition to high school. Students are actively engaged in seven or eight courses per year, taught by a variety of passionate educators, with a focus on critical thinking, collaboration with others, communication skills, and integrated creativity through hands-on, project-based learning. To promote life-long volunteerism, students actively serve in their community. Emphasis is placed on the students’ development of foundational time management skills and the ownership of their personal learning, allowing them to be prepared for and successful in the high school educational years ahead.
Junior High Course Offerings

Whether students are engaged in a literary discussion, collaborating on a math application project, dialoguing about their faith, using their creativity to design new works of art or musical pieces, or engineering a city for the future, the culture and climate in junior high is alive with energy and a passion for becoming tomorrow’s leaders, thinkers, and innovators.
Junior high students flourish through:
- Interactive, collaborative learning
- Personal responsibility management
- Leadership opportunities
- Athletic high performance training
- Community service
- Culinary skills
- Engineering/robotics
- Fine/digital art
- Jazz band
- Worship team
- Interscholastic athletics competition
- Duke of Edinburgh award program
- Global educational excursions

Every student will spend over 16,000 hours in school, and will be influenced by peers, teachers, and curriculum. It is never too early, or too late, to consider investing in your child’s future and giving them the advantage of growing as Jesus did, in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. (Luke 2:52)