Can you believe we are only days away from celebrating the birth of Jesus, our Saviour?  The countdown in on our classroom, but before we enjoy our Christmas Break, please take note of the following announcements:

Christmas Musical Online:

I am incredibly proud of all the hard working students who committed to delivering their songs and lines during our Christmas Musical last week.  We are blessed to have this opportunity to share what Christmas is all about.  If you were unable to attend the performance live, or if you’d simply like to watch it again, the entire performance can viewed on our GCS YouTube channel:

Christmas Theme Days:

Throughout the last week of classes students are invited to dress up in their finest Christmas attire to help close out this portion of the school year.

  • Monday: Christmas Hat Day
  • Tuesday: Christmas Hair Day
  • Wednesday: Pajama & Christmas Cookies Day
  • Thursday: Red & Green Day

Christmas Service Project:

This coming Friday, students will be preparing Christmas treat bags for visitors of the Soup Kitchen.  To help us out in completing this service project, we are asking if families would kindly make a small donation towards the candy fund ($2.00 – $5.00).

Christmas Break:

Please take notice that our Christmas Break begins this Friday at noon. Parents are asked to make arrangements for pick-up accordingly.  Classes will resume on January 8th, 2018 at 9:00 AM.

Holiday Wishes:

On behalf of all the students in Grade 5/6, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed beginning to the New Year.  May you all find time over the Christmas season to enjoy time with your family and reflect on the miracle that gives us all a reason to celebrate.