Skating Days

Throughout the month of March, elementary students will have the opportunity to participate in skating days! This year, we will be traveling to the APM Center in Cornwall on three separate dates: March 1, 8, and 16.  Skate times are scheduled for 1:30-2:30. Students are required to have skates, mittens, and a helmet in order to participate.

Please be on the lookout for a permission form being sent home early this week with additional details.  Students who do not wish to participate in these skating days are asked to be picked up at the school at 12:15 on these dates.


We are thrilled to have the opportunity to showcase the amazing talent of our GCS team at an Island Storm game this Thursday, March 1st, at 7:00 PM.  Please mark you calendars and be on the lookout for more information from Mrs. Able.

Also, Mrs. Able asked me to pass on some changing information for the cheer team. Apparently, the time written on the form that went home Friday was incorrect. The Senior High Girls’ Basketball game at the French school this Monday will be at 6:30 and the girls are asked to arrive by 6:00. Additionally, cheer practices will be taking place at lunch throughout this week on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 12:15-12:30. It will be a busy week for cheer!

Olympic Reading Challenge

Remember forms are due tomorrow!

Upcoming Assessments

Grade 3

  • Friday – Spelling Test 19 (all tests will be in cursive)

Grade 4

  • Thursday – Math Quiz 10
  • Friday – Spelling Test 19

Important Dates

March 1 – Elementary Skating
March 1 – Storm Game with GCS Cheerleaders
March 8 – Elementary Skating
March 16 – Elementary Skating
March 19-23 – Winter Carnival
March 23 – Ski Day at Brookvale for Grades 3-12
March 26 – April 4 – March Break