In partnering with parents, our approach to education is holistic, aspiring to graduate students who are spiritually, academically, emotionally, physically and socially mature.
Grace Christian School has earned a reputation for academic excellence, but we understand that an outstanding educational experience isn’t limited to academics. We believe that strong academic outcomes need to be coupled with access to serve and build relationships, as well as opportunities that develop students as compassionate, pro-active leaders with integrity and moral strength.

Through Christian ethics classes, weekly chapel services, class service projects, global service missions, and project-based learning activities, Christian life and values are presented in a relevant context and assist students in developing a solid foundation for their faith. Students at GCS are leaders, thinkers, and innovators. They are directed by their Christian faith, noble in Christ-like character, moved by vision, and devoted to action.

The founding of Grace Christian School became a reality because of the vision and determination of those who recognized the need for quality education taught from a Biblical world-view. In 1978, Grace Kindergarten began, however just two years later, Grace Christian School opened its doors to thirty-two students from grades K-6. In 1990, GCS became a member school of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI), and today, is home to approximately 210 students from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12.
Throughout our journey, GCS has continued to grow through prayer, sacrifice, and the efforts of many dedicated individuals, and has invested in the lives of numerous students. Graduates from GCS are currently working and serving in many career fields: engineering, bio-science, medicine, pharmacy, innovation, education, entrepreneurship, business, trades, and ministry. A number of our alumni have returned to teach and volunteer at GCS. Regardless of where our alumni are now, one thing is for sure, they are making a difference!

The story of GCS continues. When the men and women who founded GCS hired the first teachers, when the first classes were taught in the church overflows, when tests were hand-written, who would have envisioned the GCS of today? Only the One who knows the end from the beginning. God has blessed the ministry of Grace Christian School above all that we could ask or think. He has moved and continues to move in the hearts of individuals to choose GCS for their children’s educational journey.