As this first quarter comes to a close, I just want to say how proud I am of each of the grade five students for how they have grown since the beginning of the year. I look forward to seeing them overcome challenges and how they grow because of it.
Report Cards:
The first quarter report cards will be sent home with your child this Thursday, November 15. You are asked to please sign the parent communication sheet and return it inside the white envelope with your child’s name on it. To help us reduce the need of multiple envelopes throughout the year, please do no seal the envelope.
Parent Teacher Interviews:
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday evening (November 15) from 6-9pm and Friday morning (November 16) from 10am-12pm. Although your child has multiple teachers in Grade Five, it will be very difficult to schedule conferences with all of them; therefore, we understand if you are able to meet with only a few of your child’s teachers.
Please be aware that each conference is scheduled for 10 minutes; if you require a longer time or cannot efficiently schedule a meeting during the two conference days, please contact me directly to set up an alternative meeting date/time.
If it is necessary to have your children with you, they are to be under your direct supervision at all times in the school building.
Parent Teacher Sign-Up Procedure:
You must schedule your Parent-Teacher Interview using SIGNUP.COM:
- Go to
- Click “view” beside the teacher’s name you want to sign up for first (orange box)
- Choose an available timeslot for that teacher by clicking the green “sign up” button
- Log in via Facebook OR enter your email address (you need to click “confirm” on the next page)
- Fill in your name and your child’s name; your phone number is NOT required
- Click “save and done”
- Click “save” at the top of the screen (blue and white box)
You will see a confirmation screen and will also receive a reminder email about that conference time/teacher; it is advised that you also record your interview teacher/time separately, especially if you are meeting with multiple teachers. If you have more teachers to sign up for, click the blue/white “Go back to all signups” button and repeat steps 2-7. The signup website will be available/open until 4:00pm on Thursday, November 15. Please ensure you register for any necessary conference times before that time.
If you would like assistance signing up for conferences, GCS representatives will be in the school Atrium on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:00-3:30pm to help you sign up.
Pancake Breakfast: Ticket Sales
The 14th Annual Pancake Breakfast will be taking place in just a couple weeks. On Saturday, Nov. 24th from 8am – 11am, all GCS families are invited to take part in this community building event! Ticket sales will begin this Wednesday, Nov. 14th and forms will be sent home with students for ticket orders. Tickets are $5.00 each and children under the age of 5 eat for free. Tickets will also be available for purchase at the door.
In addition to the Pancake Breakfast, there will be “Buy It Now” items available for purchase, such as baked goods. All proceeds from ticket sales and the “Buy It Now” items will be allocated to the Buy A Brick Campaign.
We are also looking for people willing to donate baked goods for the “Buy It Now” items. If you are interested in helping in this way, email Michaela Arthurs at for more information.
Operation Christmas Child:
It’s Operation Christmas Child Collection Week at GCS. Please have your child return their filled boxes by Wednesday, November 14th. We sincerely thank every family who has contributed to this gospel-sharing opportunity.
That’s all for now. Have a wonderful week!
Mr. W