Five more days!  Thank you again for your patience and willingness to work with your child over the last number of weeks.  Be sure to check your child’s Seesaw account for missing assignments.  They will be given “time” this week to catch up on some work that has not been completed.  Please encourage them as much as possible to finish the year well.  More information about report cards and collecting items from school will be sent soon.


Math – p. 277-278 (#1,2,4,7); p. 279-280 (#1,2,3,5) – (see Activities section for lesson/examples)
Language – Catch up day (see personal list posted on your Journal)

Science Celebrate your school year with a little homemade ice cream activity.

French:  Complete and post pages 53-54. Plural rules and a review of the verb Avoir. 

Physical Education: Remember to participate in at least 20 minutes of physical activity every day. You’ll be logging this at the end of the week. If you haven’t submitted last week’s activity log, go back and do that today.


Math – p. 281-282 (#1,2,3,4,5,11)
Language – Context Clues Activity (see activities section)

Social Studies: Students should check in their Activities Tab for this week’s assignment.  Oral and written instructions are included.  A PowerPoint is included.


Math – p. 285-286 (#1,2,3,7); p. 287-288 (#1,2,6,8); p. 289-290 (#1,2) – (see Activities section for lesson/examples)
Language – Catch up (see updated list on your Journal)

Bible: Students will watch a short video called, God’s Story: Jesus’ Rescue. Please find this assignment in the activity tab, along with instructions of how to respond.  


Math – p. 293-294 (#1,2,3,6,8); p. 295 (#3,5); Speed Drill
Language – Inference Activity

Music: Stay tuned for Music Minute with Mrs. Wilting

Library:  Mrs. Biech will be posting a link to listen in.


Math – Lego Perimeter and Area Activity
Language/Reading – Mad Libs Story
Writing – Best part of Grade 4

Art: Look for an Art Activity with Mrs. Arthurs

Physical Education: Activity logs are due today. Check your Seesaw Activities.

Have a great last week!

Mrs. Biech