Hello Parents,
It is hard to believe that we are only entering the month of December. It appears that we could be in for a long winter! We sincerely appreciate your flexibility and support as part of our school community when we are required to make decisions about school closures and delays. When winter storms arrive on PEI, it is our policy to follow the directive of the Public Schools Branch with regard to school delays and cancellation when we are impacted by adverse weather and driving conditions; however, there are times that we are put in a position to make our own decision on the opening or closing of school (as in cases such as power outages, infrastructure issues, a death within the school/church family, or on a day in which public schools do not have regularly scheduled classes).
Christmas Service Project / Fostering Student Generosity
Grace Christian School is working towards fostering generosity in our elementary students. As part of a Christmas Service project, the Grade Six class is looking to thank all the men and women who worked so tirelessly and diligently to make the new GCS elementary wing a reality over the past year. They will be hand-writing holiday cards of thanks for each of these individuals and are looking for the help of all elementary staff and students to contribute towards purchasing a brick of honour in their names. We strongly encourage each elementary student to contribute a toonie, or more if they wish, towards this act of kindness. We are hoping they will give of their own money, if possible. Please have your child return their gift to their homeroom teacher early next week.
Classic Christmas Concert (Grade K-2)
Please join us on Thursday, December 6th from 2:30 – 3:00 for the presentation of a Classic Christmas Concert. Students in Kindergarten through Grade Two have been preparing for the Christmas season by memorizing Bible verses, singing classic Christmas carols, and playing instruments. You won’t want to miss this sweet delivery of the Christmas story as the students share about the birth of Jesus.
Christmas Musical Program (Grades 3-6)
Please mark your calendars for a second Christmas production, this time hosted by the students in Grades 3-6. Students will be performing a full-length Christmas musical titled “Straight Outta Bethlehem”. The focus of this musical is about how God adopts us into His family. Throughout the story the message is clear that no one is unwanted, no one is alone, and no one is an orphan, because God has bought us with the gift of his Son. This is a powerful message for children! God sent his Son as a baby straight outta Bethlehem to grow up, to redeem us and to die in our place. What a reason to celebrate! All students are requested to attend both performances.
Island Hill Farm & Duke of Edinburgh Fundraiser
The Duke of Edinburgh Program participants invite you and your family to attend their “Goats with the Duke at Christmas” at Island Hill Farm on December 9th from 1 pm – 3 pm. All proceeds from sales will be given to the program. Children 5 years old and above are $11.50, and children ages 2-4 are $7.50. For more information, please contact pei@dukeofed.org.
Geneva Villa – Monday, December 10th
At GCS we encourage students to think beyond themselves to find ways to serve others during the Christmas season and throughout the year. As part of our Christmas service project, Grades 1-2 will be traveling to Geneva Villa on Monday, December 10th. Students will present songs from our Christmas program and visit with the residents to wish them a Merry Christmas. We will be leaving the school at 12:40 pm to arrive in time for 1:00 pm. We will arrive back at the school for 2:30 pm. Drivers are needed for this event. If you are available to drive, please indicate on your permission slip how many students you can take in your vehicle.
Wednesday – Math test
Thursday – Phonics Test
Friday – Spelling Test # 8
Enjoy your Week,
Mrs. Barton