Hello GCS Grade 6 Family!
Thank you to all parents for your continued work with your Grade 6 students. Quarter 3 is a busy one, and the Grade 6 teachers are glad to have your support!
As the Grade 6 class continues to work on Heritage Fair, there will be several checkpoint dates to keep them on track as they complete their project. The first checkpoint date is this upcoming Monday, February 24th. Students will submit their graphic organizers (research jot notes and bibliography) to Mr. Olsen. They will be scanned or copied and given back to the students so that they can continue their work next week. Please see the assignment description for more details.
Classroom Supplies:
The winter season has brought a lot of sniffles and runny noses in the Grade 6 room. As a result, the Grade 6 classroom has nearly run of out tissue! Thank you to the families who have brought another box since the start of the year. If you haven’t brought another box, the Grade 6 class would appreciate it!
Heritage Fair Graphic Organizers (Research and Bibliography) – Due Monday February 24th
Writing, Rough Copy – Due Monday February 24th
Math Homework Check (up to Lesson 87) – Due Monday February 24th
Read Ch 2: Wrinkle in Time – Due Monday February 24th
French Practice Test – Due Tuesday February 25th
French Test – Thursday February 27th
Spelling Test 14 – Thursday February 27th
Math Test – Thursday February 27th
Important Dates:
Feb.28 – PD Day (No school)
Mar.4 – Skiing Grades 5-8
Mar.6 – Skating Grades 4-6
Mr. Olsen