Grade 5 families,
It’s that time of year again. This week is report card week, and we begin our last quarter of the year tomorrow. We have been blessed to have a full year (so far) of in-school learning and pray that continues through to the end of the year. In Math class students have learned how to divide by fractions, and in Language Arts we’re studying infographics and working on designing hand-washing infographics. In Social studies Ms. Super has been helping students create an interactive lapbook about the Middle Ages. This lapbook will be a great resource for the design of their medieval manor. Check out the announcement below about an exciting opportunity for kids through the summer.
Summer Camps
Grace Christian School has ignited the passion in our students to discover the world around them through exploration and investigation. We are thrilled to extend the GCS learning experience beyond the school year calendar and beyond our current student body.
In July 2021, Grace Christian School will host its first Knight’s Summer Camps for students entering Gr. 1- 6 in September 2021. These half-day camps will be led by GCS staff, many of whom have been recognized on the regional, national, and international stage for their work in science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics, and athletics.
Campers will work collaboratively and engage in advanced learning activities that will allow them to develop the 21st-century skills of leaders, thinkers, and innovators.
To learn more about each camp, and to register your child for the 2021 Knight’s Summer Camps, please visit the below. Limited seats are available in each camp, so register early to secure your child’s spot!
Report Cards
The third quarter report cards are being published in My School Management (MSM) this Thursday, February 15, like the other previous quarter report cards were earlier this year. In order to view your child(ren)’s report card(s), you must ensure that you can log in to MSM ( Report cards will not be printed this year.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday evening (April 15) for grade JK to 6 parents from 5-7pm and Friday morning (April 16) for Grade 7-12 parents from 9:30am-12pm. Any parents of ESL students in grades 7-12 are to meet with Dr. Huizing concerning all of the student’s subjects. As we have done in previous years, we will use, an online web-based platform, for parents registering for conferences with their child’s teachers. The details are below.
Please remember that these conferences are an important opportunity for parents and teachers to partner together in the student’s academic, social, and emotional success. Although GCS takes pride in the partnership between parents and teachers, due to COVID-19 required guidelines, we ask that parents only schedule conferences with teachers should there be something specific they need to discuss with those teachers. Note that there are a very limited number of conference slots available for each teacher for in-person conferences (10 minute length). If you wish to schedule a meeting with a teacher outside of these conference times, please contact the teacher directly to arrange a day/time.
COVID-19 procedure requirements:
- Only parents who have registered through our registration form are able to attend
- Only one parent per family is to attend; children are to not attend
- During each conference, social distancing should be followed
- Upon arrival, parents will check in with GCS personnel and complete the COVID self-screening form
- Parents are to wear a mask in the building.
- The gym and church sections of the building are off-limits.
Click the appropriate conference signup link:
- Junior Kindergarten-Grade 6 – SIGN UP HERE
- Dr. Huizing – use the appropriate link above (elementary or jr/sr high). Remember that ESL students in Grade 7-12 will see Dr. Huizing regarding ALL courses in addition to their ESL class.
Click “view” beside the teacher’s name you want to sign up for first (orange box) Choose an available timeslot for that teacher by clicking the green “sign up” button Log in via Facebook OR enter your email address (you need to click “confirm” on the next page). Fill in your name and your child’s name; your phone number is NOT required. Click “save and done”. Click “save” at the top of the screen (blue and white box) You will see a confirmation screen and will also receive a reminder email about that conference time/teacher; it is advised that you also record your interview teacher/time separately, especially if you are meeting with multiple teachers. If you have more teachers to sign up for, click the blue/white “Go back to all signups” button and repeat the previous steps
- Please select only one timeslot per teacher; if you wish to change timeslots, you can click the link in your reminder email and delete the original timeslot and choose a new one
- If you wish to create an account (simply by adding a password), you can do so (it’s free!); this allows you to see a digital list of all of your signups for this parent-teacher conference date. Just click the “register” button at the top and register using the same email address you used to sign up for the conferences.
- The signup website will be available/open until noon on Thursday, April 15. Please ensure you register for any necessary conferences before that time.
Assignments and Assessments
- Wednesday – Math Quiz
- Thursday – Spelling List 26 Quiz
Dates to Remember:
- April 15th: Report Cards and parent-teacher conferences.
- May 7th: Professional Development Day (No school)
That’s all for now. See you next week.
Mr. Wood