Now that we are into May, the end of the school year is quickly approaching. Please take note of the following announcements and updates:
Smart Parents for a Smart Phone Generation:
All parents are encouraged to come out tomorrow evening, Monday, May 6th, from 7 PM- 8:30 PM, to attend a parent seminar called “Smart Parents for a Smart Phone Generation”. This event will be held at Grace Baptist Church. Guest speaker, Mr. Paul Robertson, will guide parents through the realities of what is available to today’s generation of youth and provide effective strategies for keeping our children safe online. We hope to see you there.
Mother-Daughter Tea:
Calling all mothers, daughters, and grandmothers! Please join us at GCS this Saturday, May 11th for a sweet treat and tea. If you have a special person who is like a mother or grandmother to you, bring them along too. For full details on this event, please check out the form that was sent home with your daughter late last week, or contact Mrs. Able at
Warm Weather Reminders:
The flowers are growing fast and so are your children. In fact, students may be growing out of their clothing that fit them last fall! It is our desire that our parents work with us in dressing their children appropriately for school, so with the change in seasons, we wish to provide you with this friendly reminder.
Parents are reminded to ensure that their children’s clothing is modest, clean, neat, and appropriate. Shorts and skirts must not be shorter than just above the knee, which is typically to the tips of the fingers on most children. Girls are permitted to wear sleeveless shirts as long as the straps are wider than three finger widths (please no shirts with thin spaghetti straps). Clothing with a rebellious or negative message are also considered dress code violations.
All kindergarten and elementary students must have a second pair of shoes to be worn inside. According to provincial regulations, kindergarten and elementary students are required to wear socks at all times while at school. Sandals are not permitted for this reason.
Assignments & Assessments
Wednesday – Cursive: Proverbs 3:5-6
Thursday – Spelling Test 27
Friday – Math Test 11
Important Dates:
- Monday, May 6 – Paul Robertson (7:00pm) Youth Culture Media (Parents)
- Saturday, May 11 – Mother Daughter Tea (11:30am) (Mrs. Able)
- Thursday, May 16 – Father & Son Bowling (6:00pm) (Mrs. Able)
- Monday, May 20 – Victoria Day (No Classes)
- Thursday, May 30– Arts Coffeehouse (6:30pm) (Mrs. Wilting)
- Friday, May 31 – In-house Elementary Track Meet (9:00 – 12:00)
- Saturday, June 1 – GCS Golf Challenge (8:00am)
- Wednesday, June 5- ACSI Elementary Track Meet
More information about the upcoming events will be sent your way in the coming weeks.
Be sure to take some time today to enjoy the sun! Have a great week!
Mr. Wood