And just like that…it’s the last week of April! I am amazed at how quickly this school year seems to be flying by. Although we have only eight weeks left, they will be busy ones! With that in mind, please take note of this week’s announcements below:
What’s Going On?
We will introduce Spelling List 26 on Monday, and the quiz will be on Friday. In Math, students will be studying the 12 times table and continuing to practice what they have learned so far in fractions. In Language Arts, we will be wrapping up our unit on simple, compound, and complex sentences. It has been a challenging unit, but we’re getting the hang of it! We have finished reading Secret in the Maple Tree, and have begun working on our very first book report. In Social Studies, the students have been working diligently on their Province Project, which will be completed by the end of this week.
Class DOJO Goal
The class has finally reached their second milestone! On Friday, we hit the 4000 points target! The students came up with suggestions for their reward, and it was put to a vote. The winning activity is BAKING…stay tuned for photos!
Important Dates
- Friday, May 7 – PD Day (NO SCHOOL)
- Thursday, May 20 – Arts Coffee House (more information to come…)
- Monday, May 24 – Victoria Day (NO SCHOOL)
This Week’s Assessments
Wednesday – Math Test #12
Thursday – Simple/Compound/Complex Sentence Test
Friday – Spelling Quiz #26
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Mrs. Smylie