Dear Grade 1 Families,
I hope you have been able to get out and enjoy that sunshine today. I am so proud of our class for winning 1st place in elementary for the Mathletics Challenge! Way to go! Our class will get a pizza party on Friday, April 8th. If your child has allergies or food restrictions, please pack them their own lunch. This week we will be reviewing capitalization rules , learning about two digit subtraction (without regrouping), looking at the provincial symbols of Newfoundland and Labrador, and working on writing letters to send each other in the mail. For our letter writing project, students will be sent home with an envelope. Please return it stamped so we can ensure every child receives a letter. We will have our spelling test on Friday. Students were sent home with it last on Friday.
Monday, April 4th: Spring Picture Day (OPTIONAL)
Friday, April 8th: Pizza Party for Grade 1
Wednesday, April 13th: Parent-Teacher Conferences (Elementary) (EVENING) – you will receive an email requesting an interview this week if I have concerns about your child at this time. If not, I do not have any significant concerns.
Thursday, April 14th: (NO SCHOOL) Parent-Teacher Conferences (High School)
Friday, April 15th: Good Friday (NO SCHOOL)
Monday, April 18th: Easter Monday (NO SCHOOL)
Have a wonderful week!
Miss Kennedy