Dear GCS Grade 6 Families,
Happy Easter! I hope you took some time to ponder Jesus’ death and resurrection this past weekend. It’s truly remarkable the love and forgiveness that God provides to us.
In Social Studies, we continued our preparation for our first constructive speeches. Students are working in class to take their research and make a two-minute speech.
In Math, we dove deeper into our understanding of the area of shapes, and students were tested on their knowledge of geometry vocabulary and shapes.
Food Drive:
Thank you to all the families who brought food for our food drive! Grade 6 had a large box full of food!
Daily Math Pages
French – Pages 48-49
French Quiz on Faire Verb – Tuesday, April 6th
Bible Quiz – Thursday, April 8th
LA Poetry Test – Thursday, April 8th
Spelling Quiz #23 – Thursday, April 9th
See you Tuesday!
Mr. Olsen