Grade 5 parents,

We had a wonderful first week back to school. It was a blessing to see the smiling face’s of each of your children in person. As we begin the next week of being back together, please take note of each announcement below.


Students will be asked to take rapid antigen screening tests up to 3 times per week during the first few weeks of school. Others who share a household with students and staff are not required to test. We are requesting that these tests be administered on Monday, February 7th, and again on Wednesday, February 9th prior to coming to school. Given that Friday, Feb 11th students will not have classes due to Parent Teacher Conferences, a third test is not necessary.

Parent-teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday evening (Feburary 10) for grade JK to 6 parents from 5-7pm and Friday morning (February 11) for Grade 7-12 parents from 9:30am-12pm. As we have done in previous years, we will use, an online web-based platform, for parents registering for conferences with their child’s teachers. You can find the sign-up platform in the email sent out at the end of last week.

Please remember that these conferences are an important opportunity for parents and teachers to partner together in the student’s academic, social, and emotional success.  Although GCS takes pride in the partnership between parents and teachers, due to COVID-19 required guidelines, we ask that parents only schedule conferences with teachers should there be something specific they need to discuss with those teachers.  Note that there are a very limited number of conference slots available for each teacher for in-person conferences (10 minute length).  If you wish to schedule a meeting with a teacher outside of these conference times (in-person, via phone, or via a digital platform), please contact the teacher directly to arrange a day/time.

COVID-19 procedure requirements:

– Only parents who have registered through our registration form are able to attend.
– Upon arrival, parents will check in with GCS personnel.
– Parents are to wear a mask at all times in the building.
– The gym and church sections of the building are off-limits.

Assessments this Week

Monday – Math Quiz (Students will be multiplying fractions using cancellation.)

Tuesday – Spelling Quiz (List 12) *This quiz was postponed due to last Friday’s weather.

Wednesday – Math Test (This will cover a variety of skills learned in the past month.)

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!


Mrs. MacDougall