Good evening parents,
Thank you to those who came out to meet with me on Thursday night for parent teacher interviews. If you were not able to make it but would like to meet, please let me know and we can arrange a time.
This Week in Grade Two
This week we will celebrate Valentines Day on Friday. If you wish to send in valentines with your child, you may do so for Friday. Here is a list of the students in our class: Ezra, Linda, Jos, Adrian, Jeremiah, Rachael, Toby, Clara, and Danica.
Language: Students will learn about nonfiction narrative and start a rough draft of their own nonfiction narrative.
Math: Students will learn the 16 addition family . We will continue to review place value up to the ten thousands place and learn about symmetry.
Social Studies: Students will learn about the Appalachian region of Canada
This week’s assessments:
Wednesday – Math test
Thursday – Phonics test
Friday – Spelling test # 15
Important Dates
- Monday, February 15 – Islander Day (No school)
- Tuesday, February 16 – Friday, February 19 – Love of Reading Week
- Monday, February 26 – PD Day (No school)
Enjoy your week!
Mrs. Barton