Dear Parents,

Students did very well getting back into routines last week. I look forward to another great week of learning ahead. This week we will be wrapping up our unit on symbols of Canada. We will be learning about 3D shapes, telling time to the half hour, reading temperature, and identifying the subject and predicate in simple sentences.

Wednesday 3D Shapes: students are encouraged to bring one or two items from home that are the shape of a sphere, cone, cylinder, cube, or pyramid. Your recycling bin is always a good place to look if you are feeling stuck for ideas. Items will be returned home on the same day.

Homework: *This week students will have a special homework assignment to record the temperature once a day from Monday-Thursday. Students will also be working on one sight words worksheet and preparing for Friday’s spelling test.

Tests: Grade One students will have a Social Studies quiz on Tuesday, a phonics test on Wednesday, a math test on Thursday, and a Spelling test on Friday.

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Bryenton