We had a very good first week back in 2021! Now that winter seems to finally and officially be here, we are also faced with the reality of school delays and cancellations. I appreciate your patience when these will inevitably happen from time to time over the next 3 months or so!
What’s Going On?
This week, the Grade 3 class will: continue to learn about North America in Social Studies; learn about dry measures of capacity and place value to the hundred millions place in Math; and finish up our unit on Plural Rules and begin a new writing assignment in Language Arts.
Dressing for the Weather
Just a friendly reminder that all children should be coming to school prepared for outdoor play. A warm jacket, snow pants, a hat, at least one pair of warm mittens or gloves, and winter boots are all necessary in order to play outdoors.
This Week’s Assessments
Wednesday – Math Test #6
Thursday – Plurals End-of-Unit Test
Friday – Spelling Quiz #13
Dates to Remember
Monday, Feb.1 – Semester Turnaround Day (NO SCHOOL)
Thursday, Feb.4 – Report Cards and Elementary Parent -Teacher interviews (5:00-7:oo PM)
Friday, Feb.5 – Jr./Sr. High interviews (NO SCHOOL)
Monday, Feb.15 – Islander Day (NO SCHOOL)
Friday, Feb.26 – PD Day (NO SCHOOL)
Have a great week, everyone!
Mrs. Smylie