Dear Parents,

This week we will be learning about the province of Nova Scotia, pronouns, adding two-digit numbers (without regrouping at this point), comparing objects by weight, the artist Henri Matisse, new special phonics sounds, understanding time in terms of “a quarter past” and “a quarter too,” and much more. Students will be sent home with a paper practice clock and it would be wonderful if you could be practicing with them. The concept of adding up coins of various values is one that is quite tricky and requires lots of practice. We continue to practice this in class, but your child will greatly benefit from some time practicing counting up real coins at home with you as well. This could be a great opportunity to start a piggy bank. Please make sure students are coming to school prepared with a clean face mask each day.

Show and Tell: Students are welcome to bring in an item for Show and Tell on Friday. Please make sure it is small enough to fit in your child’s backpack.

Homework: Students will be sent home with one sight words sheet. We are now studying three sight words a week.

Tests: Due to last week’s storm day, we will have our spelling test (that was originally meant for last Thursday) on Tuesday, March 2. We will not have an additional spelling test this week. I will send home next weeks’ spelling list on Friday, March 5, and students will be tested on that on Friday, March 12. Students will also have a math and phonics test on Wednesday this week.

Heart Chart Reading Challenge: Remember to help your child record their reading time on their heart chart. The class competition ends on March 10th.

Important Dates

  • Monday, March 8 – Spring Pictures
  • Monday, March 15 – Friday, March 19 – March Break (No School)

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Bryenton