After a surprise long weekend, we are back at with another full week ahead of us.  Look below to see what is happening!

Genius Hour

Students have been working at becoming “geniuses” and preparing to share their expertise with their classmates.  On Tuesday, March 29, Mrs. Arthurs is asking students come to class prepared with a Bristol board (or small display board) and all the pictures to put on their projects.  They are getting close to finishing so please help them come with the necessary materials so they can use their class time wisely.

Bible Verse

Our class has been working daily on memorizing a large piece of Scripture, Luke 15:3-10.  As much as we practice in class, it is part of their homework each night and students will benefit from that extra practice to ensure they are prepared to recite this challenging passage.


Monday – Spelling Quiz 17
Thursday – Math Quiz
Friday – Spelling Quiz 18, Subject/Verb Agreement Quiz

Important Dates

April 8 – End of Quarter 3

Have a great week!

Mrs. Biech