Five full days!  Our class was finally able to experience ALL the different classes they will enjoy this year and we are looking forward to many great days ahead.

Planting Kindness

A big thanks to those families that have sent in items for our Kits of Kindness project.  We have a nice variety of foods that will be donated to those who need it most.  If you haven’t sent anything yet, there are still a few days to bring in the items.  We will be collecting these items until September 29.  Suggested items include:

canned tuna, ham, or chicken
Kraft Dinner or Lipton Sidekicks
dry soup mixes
instant oatmeal packages
cheese and cracker packages
granola bars (nut-free)
pudding packs
fruit packs (applesauce, etc.)
rice packs

Terry Fox Run

On Wednesday, September 29, Grace Christian School will participate in its twenty-first annual Terry Fox School Run.  In their respective cohorts at scheduled times, students will run, jog or walk laps of the school soccer field in tribute to Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope.

Students will not be canvassing for pledges but donations will be gratefully accepted beginning Sept. 23rd until Sept. 29th by homeroom teachers or through e-transfer.  To electronically donate, use the email with Terry Fox in the subject line and the student’s name in the message.  All funds received will be sent to the Terry Fox Foundation to assist in the ongoing fight against cancer.  If you are not familiar with the great Canadian Terry Fox, you can learn more by clicking on the link below:

Thank you for partnering with us to share Terry’s legacy of service, perseverance and sacrifice with our students.

Assessments this Week

Tuesday – Math Test 1
Wednesday – Punctuation Quiz
Friday – Spelling Quiz 3

Important Dates

Wednesday, Sept. 29 – Terry Fox Run Day
Thursday, Sept. 30 – National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (No School)
Friday, Oct. 1 – School Picture Day

Have a great week!

Mrs. Biech