Dear GCS Grade 6 Family,
Thank you for your patience this week as we dealt with a weather-related cancellation.
In Social Studies we continued along in our study of WW1 this week. Students are tasked with writing a letter replying to Prime Minister Borden’s call to send able-bodied men to fight. This fictional letter will help students process the emotional cost for Canada during WW1.
Grade 6 has many grades available on MySchoolManagement for their courses. I would encourage you to log-in this weekend to see their current marks.
The Grade 6 assignments and assessments list for this week is as follows:
Daily Math homework (checked on Thursdays)
Social Studies Letter to Col. Borden – Due Wednesday, September 30
LA: Study Spelling
French: Page 3 in MM2 for Thursday
Spelling Quiz 3 – Friday, October 2nd
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Olsen