It was a great first full week of school with a great group of students. Students are beginning to settle into the routines and transitions of Grade One.
Please take note of the following information as we approach our second full week of studies at GCS.
Hot Lunch Program:
Please keep an eye out for more information about our school’s Hot Lunch Program which will be provided in the near future. Although lunch forms will be sent home each week to indicate the options available, parents may also wish to check our online school calendar to plan ahead. This week, students will have the option of purchasing fries and hotdogs on Tuesday. The cost of each item is $2.00 each. Please return your child’s order form and payment by Tuesday at 9AM.
Each night your child will take home their blue homework folder , their agenda and Handbook For Reading. Students have assigned pages to read each night in their Handbook for Reading. See the sheet stapled in your child’s agenda for assigned pages and sign each night once the pages are complete. Your child should also be reading for out loud to an adult for 15 minutes each night. Students may choose the book. Please record the title of the book and sign that your child has read it, on the reading log located in their blue folder.
You will also find their bible verse in their blue folder. Please review this with you child each night.
Work that has been completed in class will be sent home on the left hand side of the blue folder. Please ensure that you empty the left side each night. Occasionally, students may need to complete work at home that had not been completed in class. These sheets will be located on the right hand side. They must be completed at home and returned to school the next day.
After School Clubs:
Soccer camp will begin this Wednesday, September 19th, after school. On Friday, Tumbling Club will take place immediately after school for it’s second week.
Scrip Program:
Scrip is Grace Christian School’s simple fundraising program using gift cards from popular retailers. The school purchases these gift cards at a discount and resells them to parents for the face value of the card. Families will earn back the difference of the purchase (to a specified amount) to be returned to that family in June in the form of their choice of gift cards, tuition bursary, donation to GCS staff, or donation to GCS Plant a Seed Fund. Please remember to stop by the GCS Armoury just inside the new school atrium to purchase your gift cards.
Assignments & Assessments:
Thursday: Phonics Test # 1
Friday: Math Test # 1
Important Dates:
Sep 28 – Professional Development Day (No Class)
Oct 8 – Thanksgiving (No Class)
Enjoy your week!
Mrs. Barton