Welcome back to school GCS Family,
As we head back to classes, it’s helpful to reflect back to last year. We’re now one full year into in-person learning and there is light at the end of the tunnel as the world seeks to return to normalcy. I thank God for the great and safe Island we live on, and I know He will look after us in the year ahead.
A Note About Your Teacher:
This is my third year as part of the GCS family! I am from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and I am still getting used to life here on PEI. I’m looking forward to teaching some familiar students this year! My goal for this year is to prepare students to be spiritually, academically, and emotionally ready for their transition into junior high school.
Theme Verses:
Our theme verses for the year are from the book of Isaiah, chapter 40, verse 28:
“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom”.
Class Schedule:
Students will be given a paper class schedule to put into their agendas. Please click here to view a digital copy of the schedule.
Pickup/Drop off for Students:
This year will be the same as last year with regards to the drop-off procedure and start/end of day timing. The elementary day will begin at 8:45am and end at 2:45pm. Students will be dropped off starting at 8:35am. Grade 6 students will enter in the elementary wing doors that are facing Kirkdale Road. Parents will drop their children off through the drive-thru loop only. Parents must remain in their vehicles while dropping their children off. It is strongly recommended that students arrive at 8:35am to allow time for them to get ready for the day.
Parents will need to pick up their children promptly at 2:45pm in the drive-thru loop.
Back to School Plan 2021-2022:
In keeping with public health directives, GCS has a detailed back-to-school plan which has been modified and is current for the 2021-2022 school year. Students will discuss this plan in their homerooms upon their return to school.
I encourage you to read the Back to School plan in full at the following link:
This year, elementary students will be required to wear masks when transitioning in the school building. This includes entering and exiting the building. Students may remove their masks when seated, but they can also continue to wear them if they choose.
Please ensure that your child has access to a clean mask daily.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we seek to keep everyone safe while at school.
Contact Information:
If you have any questions throughout the school year, please feel free to contact me at jolsen@gcspei.ca.
Looking forward to class on Tuesday,
Mr. Olsen