Hello Families of Grace Kindergarten,

I am thankful for the sunshine today as family and friends are digging out from yet another weekend winter storm on PEI.
This is a short 4 day week for us so here are things to watch for:
We will be investigating the topic of The Winter Olympics. What we already know, what we wonder about and then what we learned after our investigations.

Wednesday: Show and Tell for SENIOR KINDERGARTEN this is a change **We will not have show and tell for Jr. students this week

Thursday: Library books need to be returned please if you have any at home.

Wear your proud Canada colors today: RED and WHITE


**Check your child’s kit bag for information about a Valentines Day Party in a bag. Parents will fill a paper lunch bag for their own children to eat treats sent from home. Items will not be shared with the class.
Thank you for all you are doing to help keep our Island safe.
Mrs. Laura Perry