This week the children will be choosing a new community helper to investigate.
This Friday, the students need to have their library books returned in order to take out a new book.
The children will be having show and tell this Friday. Please bring in something that begins with one of the following letters: Bb, Ll, Nn, or Ss. The children enjoy bringing in something from home to show to their friends. If you would like to email me a small note about the item, Mrs. Squires and I would be happy to prompt your child to help them with background information of the item.
We are learning more about each other each day and how to work as a classroom team. Thank you, families, for your continued support.
Classroom Needs:
We are in need of more Clorox wipes to clean the tables. Any donations would be appreciated. Thank you
Important Dates:
- Thursday, Dec. 6 – K-2 Classic Christmas Concert 2:30-3:00 pm
- Thursday, Dec. 13 – Grade 3-6 Christmas Musical (1:30-3:00 pm & 6:30-7:30 pm)
- Friday, Dec. 21 – Christmas Parties (half-day)
- Monday, Jan. 7 – First Instructional Day 2019
Have a blessed Sunday.
Mrs. Laura Perry