We made it through a short week after Christmas break and are looking forward to getting back into the swing of things this week. Just a reminder that our day begins at 9 AM and to help students best prepare for their day, it is recommended that students arrive around 8:45 AM.
Winter is Here
Winter is in full swing and with that, colder temperatures. Please help your child enjoy outdoor recess by having them dressed for the weather. Students may want extra mittens and socks in their backpacks.
What we are learning in kindergarten:
We have reviewed all the letters and sounds of the alphabet and are “chunking” them into words.
Word families or rhyming words are another way of describing these words. Asking your child to think of a word that rhymes with “cat” or “pig” etc and then asking them to spell them will reinforce what we are learning in class.
We have been talking about sentences that end with a period, question mark or an exclamation make. Playing a game by asking “What do I end with?” can be a fun review game.
What time is it? We have been learning the time o’clock…
Also, the theme for January is Arctic. Whales are the first topic.
This week’s schedule:
Monday: gym, music and art
Wednesday: chapel and music
Thursday: library
Friday: Show and Tell bring in something your child got for Christmas or a picture of something you did over the Christmas break.
Important Dates
Jan. 31 – Semester Turnaround Day (no school)
Feb. 6 – Report Card/Parent-Teacher Conferences
Feb. 7 – Parent-Teacher Conferences (no school)
Feb. 17 – Islander Day (no school)
See you in the morning.
Mrs. Laura Perry