Hello Families of GCS Kindergarten,

I hope you are well and enjoyed the light snow on the ground as you woke up today. There has not yet been enough snow for snowmobiling…but I am hopeful it will come.

You’re children had a fun week that included fun facts about the arctic hare, experienced a science experiment that demonstrated how animals stay warm in the ice and snow, brought in show and tell, took home completed reading books, and celebrated a classmates birthday. (I don’t know who enjoys the birthday treats more…the children or Mrs. Squires and myself…)

This week we will:

*  continue to explore arctic animals by voting on a new creature

*  continue to have reading groups to further develop our reading confidence

*  play number games

*  celebrate more birthdays of classmates

Thank you for all you do to have your children prepared for school each day. Mrs. Squires and I are enjoying them so very much.

Dates to Remember
Monday, Feb.1 – Semester Turnaround Day (NO SCHOOL)
Thursday, Feb.4 – Report Cards and Elementary Parent -Teacher interviews (5:00-7:00 PM)
Friday, Feb.5 – Jr./Sr. High interviews (NO SCHOOL)
Monday, Feb.15 – Islander Day (NO SCHOOL)
Friday, Feb.26 – PD Day (NO SCHOOL)

Please continue to stay safe for your family and our communities.


Mrs. Laura Perry