What an incredible thing it is to realize that we have begun the month of March already! We have two busy weeks ahead of us. Please take note of the following upcoming events:
Chocolate Bar Bingo (rescheduled from last week, due to inclement weather)
On Thursday, March 5, all GCS families are invited to Chocolate Bar Bingo from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. This will be a fun event for the whole family! Each person participating in Bingo must bring a full-sized chocolate bar to play.
This year’s event is hosted by the 2020 Jamaica Mission Team. Besides bringing a full-size chocolate bar, please plan to give a donation to help support the team as they prepare to minister to the people of Jamaica in May. This is not a GCS supervised event, so all children must be supervised by a parent to attend. Sounds like fun.
Important Dates
Wednesday, March 4th– permission slips and $8.00 for class trip tomorrow
Thursday, March 5th – Class Sleigh Ride at Great Canadian Adventures
Thursday, March 5th– Chocolate Bar Bingo
Wednesday, March 11th – Skating for K-3 at APM Centre with parent attendance for kindergarten students
March 9th-13th – Winter Carnival Week (each day is a new theme)
March 16th-20th – March Break (no school)
See you tomorrow.
Mrs. Perry