Parent-Teacher Conferences for 3rd Quarter

The online booking system is now open. Instructions for registering were sent in an email last week. Given the requirements put in place due to continuing COVID-19 protocols, we have a limited number of time slots available

*Please note that I have contacted the parents of the students that I feel I need to meet with at this point in the school year. If you have not been contacted by me by now, please understand that this means I have no major concerns about your child’s progress.

However, if you have a concern that requires an in-person conference, you may of course sign up for an interview.

If you are not able to meet Thursday evening and would like to set up another time, please feel free to email me at and I am happy to set up a time that suits us both.

Important Dates:

Tuesday: Junior Kindergarten show and tell of their choice

Wednesday: Senior Kindergarten show and tell of their choice

Thursday: Library

  • Thursday, April 15 – Elementary Parent-Teacher Interviews 10 min slots (5:00-7:00 pm)
  • Friday, April 16 – High School Parent-Teacher Interviews (No School)

I am so proud of every student in our class.

They have all accomplished so much this year.

Thank you for your continued partnership.

See you in the morning!


Mrs. Laura Perry