Hello Families of GCS Kindergarten,

Our Science and Technology week was a great hit.

The children enjoyed hearing different renditions of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We talked about what the problem was: Goldilocks need a chair that would hold her. We decided to help Goldilocks solve her problem.

We then brainstormed about different materials we could use to build a chair for her.  It was so much fun!

The students had to try a few different ways to build a structure that would hold their “Goldilocks”. As a class we thought about what changes that would make our structures stronger.

To watch the children, go from frustration, to re-thinking other options, to delight as they found an option that worked.

We talked about how it felt the first time they built their structures that didn’t work, and then how they felt when they tried something different…They were so happy when their choices made a chair that would hold Goldilocks!

Mrs. Squires and I were so proud of all of them! Great life lessons happen in our classroom.

I love my job!!!!!

Christmas Already??

The elementary students will be producing a narrated, pantomimed film entitled “Make Room for Jesus” as our Christmas presentation.

As usual, there are a few moving parts to make this presentation come together and we need your help.  We are asking that all elementary students come to school dressed in a dark bottom and a plain white top on Wednesday, October 28.  We are planning to film a specific outdoor scene during the school day. If the weather is inclement, we will film on Thursday, October 29.  We are looking forward to beginning production.

Days to mark of your calendar:

  • Wednesday, Nov. 11 – Remembrance Day (No School)
  • Thursday, Nov. 12 – Friday, Nov. 13 – GCS PD (No School)
  • Thursday, Nov. 19 – Parent Teacher Conferences (6pm – 9pm)
  • Friday, Nov. 20 – Parent Teacher Conferences (10am – 12pm) No School
  • Friday, Nov. 27 – PD Day (No School)

Enjoy your Sunday and we will see you on Monday.


Mrs. Laura Perry