Week of Oct. 3rd-7th in Grade 3

2022-10-02T15:46:44-03:00October 2nd, 2022|

Dear Grade 3 families, This has certainly been a week for the history books, hasn't it?! I have been praying for each of your families throughout the hurricane and during the week as we all try to process what has happened and deal with the aftermath of it all. Rest assured that we are [...]

Batten Down the Hatches! Week of September 26-29 in Grade 3

2022-09-23T13:02:42-03:00September 23rd, 2022|

Bad Weather As we all know, the weather on Saturday is looking severe. Please be sure to follow the GCS media platforms for information should school be cancelled on Monday (or whenever there is a bad weather forecast). Community Outreach Project Our Grade 3 class will be collecting new toys/games for the Play Room [...]

Week of September 20-23 in Grade 3

2022-09-16T15:52:51-03:00September 16th, 2022|

Hello families of Grade 3 students, We made it through our first full week of school! Students have now enjoyed all their different classes with all their teachers. Should you have any questions, please communicate with the appropriate teacher: Mrs. Smylie: Homeroom, Math, Language Arts, French, Social Studies Mrs. MacNeill: Science Mrs. McGonnell: Bible [...]

Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!

2022-09-02T14:50:28-03:00September 2nd, 2022|

Welcome back to school everyone!  My name is Mrs. Angie Smylie and I am excited to be embarking on my fifth year of teaching at Grace Christian School (and my 27th teaching year).  I feel very thankful to be able to return this year, and I look forward to getting to know all my [...]

Week of June 6-10 in Grade 3 — Only Two Weeks Left!

2022-06-05T16:13:31-03:00June 5th, 2022|

Hello Grade 3 families, Final Operation Pollination Update Each student has brought home one of the lupine plants we have cared for over the past two months or so. Hopefully these will thrive under your care and you will be able to transplant it and watch it grow and multiply over the coming years. [...]

Week of May 30th – June 3rd in Grade 3

2022-05-27T15:24:26-03:00May 27th, 2022|

Operation Pollination Update We have exciting news! Thanks to last week's very large haul of cans and bottles, we had enough money to purchase a hydrangea plant! We are currently caring for this newest member of our plant family and hope to plant it just before the end of the school year. We ARE [...]

Week of May 23-27 in Grade 3

2022-05-20T10:25:49-03:00May 20th, 2022|

Operation Pollination Update We had a wonderful collection week with four full large recycling bags of cans and bottles donated! We are thrilled with this haul, as it brings us so much closer to our goal! Our baby plants are doing very well. Our lupines are just about ready to be transplanted into larger [...]

Week of May 16-20 in Grade 3

2022-05-15T15:41:29-03:00May 15th, 2022|

Operation Pollination The excitement never ends! We have over 200 little plants growing in our classroom! We ARE still collecting empty pop cans/pop bottles/juice boxes; please note that milk containers are not refundables. As the weather warms up, the thought of soon being able to transplant our seedlings has us very excited, indeed!! We [...]

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