Week of September 20th – 23rd in Grade One and Two

2022-09-19T17:05:25-03:00September 19th, 2022|

Good evening, Parents. I hope you all had a great weekend!  As we head into our second full week of school, please take note of the following items. Agenda and Blue Folder: Your child's agenda and blue homework folder should be brought to school everyday.  In the agenda (planner) you will find your child's [...]

Week of Sept. 12th -15th in Grades 1-2

2022-09-11T15:59:04-03:00September 11th, 2022|

Hello Parents! What a great first week we have had in Grade 1-2.  We spent time last week going through lots of procedures and routines that will make our year run more smoothly.  We discussed how "We are a classroom family" and that we treat each other with kindness and respect.  We spent time [...]

Welcome to Grade 1 & 2!

2022-09-02T14:57:56-03:00September 2nd, 2022|

Hello Grade one and two parents! The countdown is on, and we are only 5 days away from the first day of school.   My name is Mrs. Jennie Barton and I am excited to be teaching your child this year.  I started at GCS in 2013 teaching a grade 1-2 split for the following [...]

Final Week of School! June 13th-17th

2022-06-12T19:25:38-03:00June 12th, 2022|

We have made it to our last week of school for this school year!  Time has gone by so quickly and I have enjoyed teaching each of your children throughout this year.  Please take note of the following items related to our class this week. Grade 1-3 Field Trip The weather forecast is unfortunately [...]

Week of June 6th in Grade Two

2022-06-05T17:38:14-03:00June 5th, 2022|

Hello Parents, The year has gone by so quickly, it's hard to believe we are down to our last two weeks!  If you haven’t already, check the GCS YouTube channel to watch the Grade 1 and 2 dance performance, make sure to take a look. Students did such a great job. This week we [...]

Week of May 30th in Grade Two

2022-05-29T18:01:53-03:00May 29th, 2022|

The countdown is on to the end of the school year.  Only three weeks left! Please take note of the following items related to our grade two class this week. Gym: On June 1st, we will be performing our dance routine during chapel. We are very excited to show the elementary what we have [...]

Week of May 24th in Grade Two

2022-05-23T18:41:12-03:00May 23rd, 2022|

I hope you all had a great long weekend!   Please take note of the following items related to our grade two class this week: Language:  This week we begin list # 28 in our spelling with our test on Friday, May 27th.   Students will also finish up their final copy of their fiction narrative [...]

Week Of May 16th in Grade Two

2022-05-15T11:35:49-03:00May 15th, 2022|

Good afternoon, Parents. It's been another beautiful weekend!   Please take note of the following items related to our grade two class this week: Language:  This week we begin list # 27 in our spelling with our test on Friday, May 20th.   We will begin a fiction Narrative unit. Math: We will continue to study [...]

Week of May 9th in Grade Two

2022-05-08T17:55:02-03:00May 8th, 2022|

Happy Mother's Day! It was such a beautiful sunny weekend to enjoy sometime outside.  Please take note of the following items related to our grade two class: Science: Mrs. MacNeill is asking that all students bring in their boat supplies for Monday's class. Language Arts: Students will finish their personal narrative and be given [...]

Week of May 2nd in Grade Two

2022-05-01T20:39:26-03:00May 1st, 2022|

Good Evening, Parents. Please take note of the following items related to our grade two class this week: Blue Folders: Each day your child's blue folder is sent home.  Please ensure that you are checking this everyday.  Anything on the left hand side of the folder may be left at home.  Anything that is [...]

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